Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Latest Article: Natural Remedy for Motion Sickness

Balaji B

Motion sickness is a normal response to real, perceived, or anticipated movement. People tend to experience motion sickness on a moving boat, train, airplane, automobile, or amusement park rides. Head movement can increase motion sickness. Avoid drinking alcohol or eating a heavy meal before travel. During an extended flight, eat small meals and drink small amounts of fluids either before or during a flight to help reduce nausea and vomiting. As we know very well, prevention is better than cure; the following natural remedy measures may be adopted for curing motion sickness.

Folk remedies for motion sickness have probably been around since man first decided to seriously check out the scenery beyond his own backyard. Some of the home remedies are still popular and followed now days. They may not work for all and may not work every time, still it is more populous among the human population. The common natural remedy followed all over the world is Olives and lemons. Some doctors noted that early stages of motion sickness cause you to produce excess saliva and nausea.

Olives produce chemicals called tannins, which make your mouth dry. Hence, the theory goes, eating a couple of olives at the first hint of nausea can help diminish it, as may sucking on a mouth-puckering lemon. Though this remedy is so old but still it is popular today and is certainly worth a try. The other natural remedy available through out the entire continent is Ginger root. Ginger works by the way it absorbs the acids and blocking nausea in the gastro-intestinal tract.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Latest Article: Treating Insomnia Naturally

Brandon C. Hall

Sleep is something that every human being requires. For some people they only need a few hours of sleep every night, but for others if they don't get at a minimum eight hours, they cannot function properly during the day. Their work, their relationships and their life is impacted. Sleep in fundamental to a healthy and happy life.

Insomnia is a problem that affects millions of people each night. If you are one of these individuals and you've spent a night filled with sleeplessness, you would most certainly welcome any method that would guarantee sleep. Having first hand knowledge of how difficult it is not to be able to sleep, gives a person an appreciation for how valuable resting our bodies is.

Insomnia can be a chronic condition for some people. It may begin as a symptom of an illness or during a particularly stressful time in someone's life and it causes such a drastic disruption in the individual's sleep pattern that they struggle to find a way to regain a normal sleep pattern. Spending years struggling to find a method to sleep is a frustrating experience.

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Latest Articles: Does Your Child Have Constipation?

Rudy Silva

Child have constipation just like adults and perhaps more often since they don't like to eat food that has a lot of fiber - vegetables and more vegetables. Children with constipation can use the same natural remedies as adults, but in lesser amounts.

You can use these guidelines for children 3 and older. Children should have a bowel movement everyday. It would be best for them to have at least two, if they are eating three meals a day. If your child is having three or less bowel movement per week, it is time to get worried and take action.

If you use some natural remedies, and your child still has only 3 or less bowel movements per week, then its time for you to take your child to see a doctor. Continual constipation can reflect a more serious condition, especially if your child is eating the foods that promote natural bowel movements.

Here is a list of things that you can do for your child with constipation. In fact, these recommendations are also good for you if you have constipation.

1. Drink more water - children are very active and will perspire more than an adult during the day and lose water. If the body needs water it will take from the stools and make them hard and difficult to expel.
2. Eat more fiber - fruits and vegetables is where the fiber is. Using artificial fiber and laxative products is not a good idea. The body can become dependent on these products and lose its bowel sensitive and colon wall tone.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Latest Article: Natural Remedy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Balaji B

Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurobehavioral disorder of higher brain functioning. ADHD is common among the disorders that get affected in childhood and adolescence. ADHD is a disorder of numerous contradictions. We can find different abilities in ADHD affected children resembling some children are very hyperactive, whereas others are quiet and under active.It is estimated that Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is affecting 3-9% of school-age children.

ADHD becomes perceptible at the early school-age , but it may stick with adulthood. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - ADHD is often succeeded to the successor. The child that gets affected by Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder needs to have support and love, in order to attain their full potential. They should be provided with such guidance, love and understandings from parents, teachers, and guidance counselors and also through some public awareness programs.

Natural Remedies for ADHD revives without the addiction risks and side effects of prescription psychiatric drugs. Natural remedies for ADHD approach the treatment with more holistic look at the individual and take into account diet, lifestyle, personality type, surroundings and emotional factors. Natural remedies for ADHD with anti-fungal program plan using food and nutritional supplements often brings dramatic improvement in a patient's attention ability and behavior in a short time.

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Latest Article: Natural Cure For Heartburn

S P McKenzie

Heartburn, GERD and Acid Reflux are increasingly common these days. A new report suggests that the remedy might be simpler than you think.

Can heartburn really be cured? 'Yes!' says William Lagadyn, author and researcher of the new report titled -Cure Your Heartburn. 'Most cases of Heartburn, GERD, Acid Reflux, Reflux or whatever else they are calling it now-a-days can be cured without drugs, exercise or some crazy diet for the rest of your life. My method is a truly natural cure for heartburn'. Learn more

Approximately 40% of the population suffers from heartburn at least once a week. About 25 million of these suffer chronic heartburn daily. What exactly is heartburn? Heartburn is caused when the acid from the stomach comes in contact with the lower esophagus. If this condition is not corrected it can lead to lesions or scars in the lower esophagus. When stomach acid fumes come in contact with these lesions it can cause severe heartburn pain. This condition, if left untreated, can lead to a variety of serious complications.

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Latest Article: Gray Hair Remedy: Is There Such A Thing?

G Marwick

Many of us will experience the onset of Gray Hair as we get older. It will happen at different times and can start as early as in our 20's.

None of us want to go Gray but we have to accept some of us will at some stage be affected by it. Your hair will go Gray for several reasons:

•Heredity: If there is a history of family members going Gray then you may find you will follow and go Gray as well.
•Smoking can cause your hair to go Gray.
•Lack of B12 and Omega 3's in your diet.

So how do we go about finding a remedy to combat the onset of Gray Hair? There are a few options open to us. The first is diet. A lot of what we eat contributes to how our bodies produce healthy producing cells in our hair. As Gray Hair is usually dry and brittle it may be that you are not eating properly. As mentioned before the lack of B12 and Omega 3's are major contributors to your hair going Gray.

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Latest Article: Anxiety Disorder Treatments: The Best Herbal Remedies for Anxiety

Tess Thompson

by Tess Thompson

Anxiety disorders are the most common of all mental health
disorders and affect the lives of millions of people every year,
including approximately 19 million in the U.S. alone. If you are
one of them, you may wonder if your symptoms are standard, and
if there are behavioral and medical treatments that might be
effective for you. While everyone experiences anxiety in some
form -- perhaps before giving a public presentation or in the
midst of major life changes -- those with anxiety disorders
experience it unusally often and irrationally.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, each of
which have unique features, but all of them share the symptoms
of dread and excessive fear. Five common types are panic
disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress
disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety
disorder. As with most disorders, each individual will
experience symptoms slightly differently, and response to
treatment will vary as well. While there are prescription
medications for anxiety, for those who are wary of the side
effects there also exist natural treatments for anxiety which
contain herbal ingredients that can produce equally positive

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Latest Article: Best Home Remedies Against Thrush

Charlene J. Nuble

The overgrowth of the fungi Candida Albicans is responsible for the onset of Thrush, which is also know as Yeast Infection or Candidiasis. Thrush is not a serious disease but it can cause great discomfort for its sufferer. The best thing you can do then you think you have thrush is to see a doctor immediately. There are also many over the counter medicines that are effective in treating thrush.

But aside from seeing a doctor and using over the counter medications, there are many things you can do at home to treat thrush.

1. The first thing you should do at the onset o thrush is to clean the affected area by washing it with plain water. It is not advisable to use soaps, shower gels and bath gels because these products can worsen the infection. Make sure that the affected area is always clean, cool and dry.

2. When you have thrush, avoid using lubricants and spermicidal creams. These products can make your conditions worse. You should also avoid latex condoms because latex or rubber can cause irritation.

3. Do not let synthetic fibers or materials touch the affected area as doing so could cause further irritation. You must wear clothes or undergarments made from natural fibers so as to minimize irritation.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Latest Article: Natural Remedy for Bronchits

Balaji B

Bronchitis is a condition defined as the inflammation of the bronchi which results in persistent cough that produces considerable quantities of sputum. A respiratory infection such as a cold is the initial stage of the development of bronchitis. Bronchitis usually disappears within a few days without lasting effects in most people, however the coughs due to bronchitis can continue for up to three weeks or more.

Viruses such as coronarvirus, adenovirus, or a rhinovirus, that attack the lining of the bronchial tree is one of the major causes of bronchitis. Swelling occurs and more mucus is produced when the body tries to fight back the infection causing virus. Bacteria and fungus are considered to be one of the other causes of bronchitis, but newer research shows that bacterial and fungal infection are much less common in bronchitis.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Latest Article: Health Supplement Overview

John Gibb

Are you wondering which herbal health supplement you should take? Well, we've comprised a list of some of the most important herbs to begin on a regimen.

Alpha Lipoic acid is a special antioxidant that recycles both vitamins C and E in the human body. This is helpful to many age related diseases.

Avena Sativa is an extract for sexual health and vigor, also known by the name "green oats"

Bee Pollen is a substance produced by bees when they pollinate flowers. It's a great energy and immune system booster, and can be used as a weight loss aid.

Beta Sitosterol is a substance used for prostate health. More powerful then saw palmetto, this nutrient occurs in plant and vegetable matter.

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Latest Article: Nutrition For Natural Stress Relief

Ben Douglas Jr.

Nutrition for Natural Stress Relief.

We've all had stress at one point in our life or another. There are some types of stress that are healthy and beneficial to life. Unfortunately, the majority of the stress we encounter in today's world is destructive and may even help to shorten our lives.

According to a study done at Duke University's Medical center and reported to the American Journal of Cardiology, a link can be found between an "aggressive" personality and the likelihood of death in people younger than age 61 who currently have heart disease. If you can't find a way of managing stress properly, it will help to kill you.

There are several tools available nutritionally for stress management. Some vitamin supplements give natural stress relief and bring body balance when stress saps your energy. Some natural sources for managing stress are foods, herbs, and some from nutritional supplements.

Stress Management with Food:

When thinking of managing stress in the body and food sources, the key is maintaining a balance between the many chemicals within the body that control mood.

Serotonin is a chemical released within the body that works to control mood.

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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Latest Article: Combating Anxiety: The Alternative Way

Tony Robinson

Perhaps you break out into a cold sweat when you have to
deliver a talk before a group of people. Or perhaps you become
nervous when you have to take a test. There are certainly
numerous causes for anxiety. Similarly, there are a number of
treatment options for those afflicted with the illness. If you
don't like the idea of medication, you might try an alternative
approach to battling your anxiety.

It is estimated that nearly seven percent of Americans suffer
from anxiety and panic disorders. While prescription drugs are
routinely offered as a remedy for such illnesses, they can be
dangerous if administered over a long period of time. Some of
the more popular anxiety drugs include Diazepam and Wellbutrin.
However, increasingly, Americans are turning to alternative
medicines in an effort to soothe their anxious feelings. In just
the last decade, the demand for alternative medicine has
skyrocketed 300 percent. This is partially the result of the
fact that many alternative medicines offer relief from symptoms
without the side-effects linked to prescription drugs. It should
be noted, however, that natural remedies are not meant to be
long-term treatments, although they can offer relief in the

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Latest Articles: Home Herbal Migraine Remedies

Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc

This is one of my favorite topics! Wanna know why?

Because I've suffered from migraines for 2 years, and my unique position as an herbalist and acupuncturist has allowed me to learn about and experiment with a number of home migraine remedy you may not have heard of.

Chinese herbal medicine is still new and unknown to most westerners. I've found some effective solutions from China that few people know about.

And now I get to share them with you!

On this page, I'm going to talk exclusively about home migraine remedy - if you want to read more about migraine symptoms, causes, and acupuncture, check out my previous articles:

What is a Migraine, anyway?
It's more than a headache. It's a neurological configuration - any number of symptoms can show up, and more than one thing can cause it.

It's as if you tend toward this neurological configuration, called migraine - like you're already on the edge of it, and certain things can push you over.

Or, it's like you're filling a water glass, but you can't stop pouring, and it overflows. In this analogy, the water is all the factors that cause your migraine, and the overflow is the migraine itself.

How do you stop the Migraine tendency?
The way to prevent it is to balance the imbalances that lead to migraine. Your home migraine remedy should take care of at least one of these imbalances.

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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Latest Article: What Is A Home Remedy?

Doug Smith
Copyright 2005 by Doug Smith

Home Remedies - Facts or Quacks?

Myths and legends often have their basis in a grain of truth.
So I wondered if home remedies, alternative treatments, and
folklore cures might also be based on truth. First, let's
try to define the phrase home remedy.

There's No Place Like Home

The name itself proclaims that a home remedy is, well, a
remedy that's administered at home! Prescription drugs are
often given at home as remedies, so we need to dig a little
deeper. When you think of home remedy, don't you think of
some sort of cure or treatment that's outside mainstream
modern medicine? Me too. Let's take a look at some choices.

The Holistic View

The dictionary defined holistic medicine as an approach to
medical care that emphasizes the study of all aspects of a
person's health, including physical, psychological, social,
economic, and cultural factors. The holistic definition is
very broad and could apply to many medical approaches.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Latest Article: The Natural Remedy For Acne

Kevin Sheldon

Acne can be one of the most distressing of afflictions, given that it tends to strike during the teens (although it can, of course, occur at any time of life too). As a highly visible problem, acne can cause acute embarrassment at the very time when a person is struggling to become comfortable with themselves. The symptoms are varied, and do not just consist of the familiar scarring and skin pitting. Other symptoms can include blackheads, whiteheads, pustules, inflamed and infected nodules, sacs, and cysts.

Caused by over-activity of the sebaceous glands, acne tends to show where these (oil) glands are most numerous (i.e the face, neck, chest, and back). Scarring and permanently expanded pores can result, and this is the symptom most familiar to acne sufferers.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Latest Article: Herbal Medicine For Cold

Herbal Medicine For Cold
John Gibb

Many people on the hunt for nutritional supplements are concerned about what kind of herbal medicine for cold sicknesses are offered. From the period of November until March, cold season sets in and it can really ruin your day. While there isn't too much of a clear determinant about how to cure a cold, your best bet is to try to ward it off before it even strikes you.

Once you already have the flu, there are herbal remedies, supplements, and vitamins that can help to curb the effects of the bug or hasten its departure, but there's no surefire cure for the common cold. One of the best ways to avoid getting the flu would be to keep the healthiest immune system you possibly can. The stronger your immune system is, the better chance your body will merely brush off pesky bugs. This can be accomplished through the use of many different substances.

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